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Get an ExoPhone - Console
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ExoMind Tasker API
ExoVoiceAnalyze API
Validate Token – Onboarding Link
Create Onboarding Link
Send Whatsapp Payment Message API (India)
https://<your_api_key>:<your_api_token><subdomain>/v2_beta/Accounts/<your_sid>/IncomingPhoneNumbers Copy
To begin using a new ExoPhone, make an HTTP POST request
The ExoPhone that you wish to get.
The VoiceURL to be associated to this number. The URL is of the form:{your_sid}/exoml/start_voice/{app_id} where app_id is the identifier of the flow (or applet) that you want to connect to once the From number picks up the call. You can get the app_id from your Exotel Dashboard.
The SMSUrl to be associated to this number. The URL is of the form:{your_sid}/exoml/start_sms/{app_id} where app_id is the identifier of the flow (or applet) that you want to connect to once an incoming SMS is received.
A friendly name that can be used to identify this number easily.