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Product-SMS Campaigns
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https://<your_api_key>:<your_api_token><subdomain>/v2/accounts/<your_sid>/sms-campaigns Copy
Replace <your_api_key> and <your_api_token> with the API key and token created by you. Replace <your_sid> with your “Account sid” Replace <subdomain> with the region of your account <subdomain> of Singapore cluster is <subdomain> of Mumbai cluster is
<your_api_key> , <your_api_token> and <your_sid> are available in the API settings page of your Exotel Dashboard
https://<your_api_key>:<your_api_token><subdomain>/v2/accounts/<your_sid>/sms-campaigns/<id> Copy
To get the details of a specific campaign in your account, make an HTTP GET request
campaign id
While you can update all the parameters of a campaign that has not started
string; Control a campaign. The below values can be passed:
pause – Stop calling more numbers as part of the campaign that is in progress. resume -Resume calling numbers that were not called.
To get the details of bulk campaign details in your account, make an HTTP GET request.
This API allows you to fetch bulk campaign details with sorting and searching capabilities.
offset (optional)- By specifying offset, you retrieve a subset of records starting with the offset value. Offset is zero-based i.e. the 10th record is at offset 9
limit(optional)- number of records on single page default:20 maximum=50
name (optional)-Search by campaign name. Min 3 letters. (like %xxx%)
sort_by (optional)- This indicates in what order the campaign records are sorted in the API response. By default records are sorted by ScheduledTime in ascending order. However, you can override the same in following way for ascending order: Eg: schedule.start_time:asc, schedule.start_time:desc, name:asc (alphabetical order A-z, Z-A)
status (Optional)- Filter on status. Possible values- “scheduled”, “in-progress”,”completed”,”archived”,”paused”
https://<your_api_key>:<your_api_token><subdomain>/v2/accounts/<your_sid>/message-campaigns/ <campaign_id> Copy
To get the sms details of a specific campaign in your account, make an HTTP GET request