Once someone clicks on the shortened URL, Exotel will do a POST callback to your end point if the URL is set as a parameter in the API.
Below are the parameters:
sid – The Sid (unique id) of the shortened URL
short_url – The complete shortened URL
short_code – Key of the shortened URL
long_url – Original URL which is shortened
Tracking – Whether to track the URLs present in the SMS
custom_field – custom field passed in SMS API request String value
Expires_at – Date Time in ISO format when link will expire
Created_time – Date Time in ISO format when URL is created
Last_viewed – Date Time in ISO format when link was visited last
Total_clicks – count of total views of short url
Account_sid – Exotel’s unique Account SID
Country_code – Country code of the customer who received the SMS
Date_created – Date Time in ISO format when link was created
Sms_sid – The Sid (unique id) of the SMS, this SID can be used to track the SMS
To – Contact number of the customer who clicked on the URL
city – City where the shorten URL is clicked
Country – Country code where shorten URL is clicked
IP – IP address where shorten URL is clicked
Postal code – Postal code where shorten URL is clicked
Region – Region where shorten URL is clicked
Accuracy radius – Aproximate accuracy radius where shorten URL is clicked
OS_version – OS version of the customer who clicked the shorten URL
OS_name – OS name of the customer who clicked the shorten URL
Device_name – Device name of the customer who clicked the shorten URL
Platform type – Platform where shorten URL is clicked