
An allocation request maps a set of numbers (a-party) to another set of numbers (b-party) using a Variable Virtual Number or a GreenVN.  Both parties can optionally have pins (any integer number, preferably limited to 6 digits) associated with the allocation to enable new callers (whose numbers were not passed in the allocation request) to join either party at any time by entering the pin when calling for the first time on the VN since it was allocated.  If the ‘usage’ parameter is set to ‘oneway’ in the request, only the a-party may call the b-party.  For ‘twoway’ usage, both parties can call each other using the GreenVN.



Replace <your_sid> with your tenant ID The following are the POST parameters:

Parameter Name Mandatory/Optional Value / Description
connection_id mandatory Unique identifier for the specific mapping. This can be any random string.
aparty_numbers mandatory List of numbers in E164 format for one side of the allocation. In the event that the allocation is oneway, only these numbers will be able to connect to the other party.
bparty_numbers mandatory List of numbers in E164 format for the other side of the allocation. In the event that the allocation is two-way, these numbers can connect to the a_party using the greenvn.
aparty_pins optional List of pins to be used for unregistered aparty_caller. This can be any positive integer. We recommend using 4 digit UNIQUE pins
bparty_pins optional

List of pins to be used for unregistered bparty_caller.This can be any positive integer. We recommend using 4 digit UNIQUE pins

usage mandatory

“oneway” allocations only permit a-party callers to talk to the b-party. “twoway” allocations permit both sides to call the other.

strictness optional

If strictness is true, the allocation only performed if all specified conditions are met.  This includes the preferred greenvn, region, and number type. If strictness is off, a number is returned which satisfies most maximum possible preferences.

The default value is false.

preferences optional

preferences are a set of preferred options that the returned greenvn should satisfy.

  • greenvn (optional): To request a specific number to be allocated.
  • region (optional): To request a greenvn that belongs to a specific region. Valid values are: DL, MU, MH, WB, AP, TN, GJ, KA, KL, RJ, MP
  • pin_code(optional): To request a greenvn that belongs to one of the above regions, a pin code can be passed. Please note: If a pin code belongs to a region not present in the above list, we will return a VN from a region in the list that is closest to the passed pin code. 
  • type (optional): To request either a “mobile” or “landline” number as greenvn.

These can be satisfied based on the available greenvn’s in the account


This parameter is used to schedule an automatic deallocation. If not set, default deallocation period (as in configuration) is used

  •  duration: Duration can be specified in any unit (d, m, s)  Eg: “20s”. If not set, default deallocation period configured in your account is used

A unique identifier of the call flow, which is required to be associated with the VN, at the time of allocation.

*It is required in the allocation request, if there are multiple call flows created at the account level and the expectation is to associate a particular call flow to the allocated VN. 

curl -X POST \
 https://leadassist.exotel.in/v1/tenants/<your_sid>/greenvn \
 -H 'Authorization: Basic <your Auth string which is Base64 encoded version of “username:Password” string>' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
 -d '{
  "connection_id": "Sample_Connection",
  "aparty_numbers": [
  "bparty_numbers": [
  "aparty_pins": [
  "bparty_pins": [
  "strictness": "false",
  "preferences": {
    "pin_code": "560041"
  "usage": "twoway",
  "flow_id": "44XX8X",
  "deallocation_policy": {
    "duration": "600s"
var request = require("request");
var userName = "XXXXXXXXX";
var password = "YYYYYYYYY";
var accountSID = “ZZZZZZZZZ”;
var encoding = Buffer.from(userName + ':' + password).toString('base64');
var options = { method: 'POST' ,
  url: 'https://leadassist.exotel.in/v1/tenants/'+ accountSid + '/greenvn’ ,
     Authorization: 'Basic ' + encoding ,
     'Content-Type': 'application/json' ,
     ‘cache-control’: ‘no-cache’ 
  "connection_id": "Sample_Connection",
  "aparty_numbers": [
  "bparty_numbers": [
  "aparty_pins": [
  "bparty_pins": [
  "strictness": "false",
  "preferences": {
    "pin_code": "560041"
  "usage": "twoway",
  "flow_id": "9867XX",
  "deallocation_policy": {
    "duration": "600s"
  json: true
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);
$curl = curl_init();
$accountSid = "XXXXXXXXXX";
$userName = "YYYYYYYYYY";
$password = “ZZZZZZZZZZ”;
$encoding = base64_encode($userName.":". $password);
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "https://leadassist.exotel.in/v1/tenants/" . $accountSid . "/greenvn" ,
  "connection_id": "Sample_Connection",
  "aparty_numbers": [
  "bparty_numbers": [
  "aparty_pins": [
  "bparty_pins": [
  "strictness": "false",
  "preferences": {
    "pin_code": "560041"
  "usage": "twoway",
  "flow_id": "989XXX",
  "deallocation_policy": {
    "duration": "600s"
    "Authorization: Basic ".$encoding ,
    "Content-Type: application/json"
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;
import requests, base64, json
accountSid = "XXXXXXXXX"
userName = "YYYYYYYYY"
Password = “ZZZZZZZZZ”
encoding = base64.b64encode(userName + ":" + password)
url = "https://leadassist.exotel.in/v1/tenants/"+accountSid+"/greenvn"
payload = json.dumps({
  "connection_id": "Sample_Connection",
  "aparty_numbers": [
  "bparty_numbers": [
  "aparty_pins": [
  "bparty_pins": [
  "strictness": "false",
  "preferences": {
    "pin_code": "560041"
  "usage": "twoway",
  "flow_id": "67676X",
  "deallocation_policy": {
    "duration": "600s"
headers = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'Authorization': "Basic " + encoding
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.text), indent = 4, sort_keys = True))
package main

import (
b64 "encoding/base64"

func main() {

accountSid := "XXXXXXXXX"
userName := "YYYYYYYY"
password := “ZZZZZZZZ”

// Encoding the userName and password to use in Authorization header
encoding := b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(userName + ":" + password))

url := "https://leadassist.exotel.in/v1/tenants/" + accountSid + "/greenvn"

payload := strings.NewReader(`{
  "connection_id": "Sample_Connection",
  "aparty_numbers": [
  "bparty_numbers": [
  "aparty_pins": [
  "bparty_pins": [
  "strictness": "false",
  "preferences": {
    "pin_code": "560041"
  "usage": "twoway",
  "flow_id": "65456X",
  "deallocation_policy": {
    "duration": "600s"

req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, payload)

req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic "+encoding)

res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)

defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)



HTTP Response:

  • On success, the HTTP response status code will be 200
  • The connection_id is the unique identifier of the allocation, and it will be referred in HTTP body will contain a JSON similar to the one below
"success": true,
"status": 200,
"code": null,
"message": null,
"data": {
"bparty_numbers": [
"connection_id": "Sample_Connection",
"greenvn": "+914048212136",
"state": "active",
"greenvn_id": "xysysue7-4c2c-b671 d1156d0faf5f",
"aparty_pins": [
"usage": "twoway",
"bparty_pins": [
"aparty_numbers": [
    "success": false,
    "status": 409,
    "code": 18,
    "message": "Allocation exists for this connection id.",
    "data": null

Description of parameters mentioned in the above response:

Parameter Name Type & Value
success true or false. This shows whether the request succeeded or not.

 HTTP response code of your request

200: Successfully allocated

400: Bad Request (for example when deallocation request is sent after deallocation has already happened)

402: Unauthorized Request

429: Throttle limit exceeded

499: Response timeout exceeded


JSON array representing the response and contains the below parameters

  • connection _id: same string as passed in the allocation request
  • aparty_numbers: array containing the phone numbers mapped (in E164 format) as the A party of the connection
  • bparty_numbers: array containing the phone numbers mapped (in E164 format) as the B party of the connection
  • usage: “oneway” or “twoway” as defined in the allocation request
  • green_vn: The Exophone number (in E164 format) allocated to this request
  • greenvn_id: Unique identifier for the allocation. This is required for getting details of the allocation and deallocating
  • flow_id (optional): A unique identifier of the call flow associated to the allocated VN. It will be present in the response only if this parameter is passed in the request.

number: This parameter only comes in case of an error where the status returned in non-200. The list of possible error codes are as below:


0: Internal Service Error
1: GreenVN not found
2: Unsupported search filters
3: One or more Mandatory parameters missing
4: No free green VN unable allocate
5: Bad or missing parameters in request
7: Authentication failed or not provided
8: Permission denied to do this operation

9: Unsupported denied
13: Duplicate Filter Failed
14: Duplicate in request
15: Region not supported
16: Invalid number
17: Too many requests
18: Duplicate connection ID
19: Duplicate in group


This is the current state of the allocation which can have the following values

  • “active” - This is the state when the allocation is active
  • “vault” - This is the state when the allocation was deallocated