This API retrieves all the settings associated with the ExoBridge account.<your_sid>/settings
Replace <your_sid> with your tenant ID.
curl -X GET<accountSid>/settings \ -H 'Authorization: Basic <your Auth string which is Base64 encoded version of “username:Password” string>'
var request = require('request'); var accountToken = "YYYYYYYYY"; var authKey = "ZZZZZZZZZZ"; var encoding = Buffer.from(authKey + ':' + accountToken).toString('base64') var options = { 'url': '<accountSid>/settings', 'headers': { 'Authorization': 'Basic '+ encoding }, }; function callback(error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { console.log(body); } } request(options, callback);
<?PHP $username = "YYYYYYYYY"; $password = "ZZZZZZZZZZ"; $remote_url = '<accountSid>/settings'; $opts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'header' => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$username:$password") ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $file = file_get_contents($remote_url, false, $context); print($file);
import requests, base64 authToken = "YYYYYYYYY" authKey = "ZZZZZZZZZZ" encoding = base64.b64encode((authKey + ":" + authToken).encode('UTF-8')).decode('ascii') headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + encoding, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } print(requests.get('<accountSid>/settings', headers = headers).text)
package main import ( b64 "encoding/base64" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" ) func main() { // Please provide accountSid, authToken from your Exotel account accountSid := "XXXXXXXXX" authToken := "YYYYYYYY" authKey := "ZZZZZZZZZZ" // Encoding the accountSid and authToken, used in Authorization header encoding := b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(authKey + ":" + authToken)) url := "<accountSid>/settings" method := "GET" client := &http.Client{} req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, nil) req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic "+encoding) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } res, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } defer res.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(string(body)) }
{ "request_id": "74c6a618-7534-4e0d-bd52-28e0530ef54b", "success": true, "status": 200, "code": null, "message": null, "method": "GET", "data": { "greenvn": { "greencall_complete_event_endpoint": "", "greencall_complete_event_method": "POST_JSON", "greencall_complete_event_headers": "{\"content_type\": \"application/json\"}", "failed_verification_event_endpoint": "", "failed_verification_event_method": "POST_JSON", "failed_verification_event_headers": "{\"content_type\": \"application/json\"}", "verified_caller_event_endpoint": "", "verified_caller_event_method": "POST_JSON", "verified_caller_event_headers": "{\"content_type\": \"application/json\"}", "deallocation_callback_event_endpoint": "", "deallocation_callback_event_method": "POST_JSON", "deallocation_callback_event_headers": "{\"content_type\": \"application/json\"}", "default_flow_id": "123456" }, "greenpin": { "greenpin_call_complete_event_endpoint": "", "greenpin_call_complete_event_method": "POST_JSON", "greenpin_call_complete_event_headers": "{\"content_type\": \"application/json\"}", "aparty_pin_length": 4, "bparty_pin_length": 4, "common_pin_length": 4, "aparty_pin_enabled": "false", "bparty_pin_enabled": "false", "common_pin_enabled": "false" }, "common": { "country": "IN", "intl_num_sup": "false", "max_deallocation_time": "-1", "timezone": "IST", "deletion_time": 1800, "tag_enabled": "true", "aparty_tag": "Customer", "bparty_tag": "Courier", "sms_config": "{\"A\": {\"sms_enabled\": \"false\", \"on_status\": [\"busy\",\"no-answer\",\"failed\",\"canceled\"],\"DltTemplateId\": \"xxxxxx008620xxx63xx\",\"DltEntityId\": \"xxxxxx874xxxxx1272\",\"sender_id\": \"MONOTEL\",\"sms_body\": \"Hello and welcome to Exotel. Your phone number 09xxxxx932 is verified. From now on you will be to able make and recieve calls from your Exotel account. You can switch on/off your device by giving a missedcall to 0xxxxx85696.\"},\"B\": {\"sms_enabled\": \"false\"}}", "sticky_agent_enabled": "true", "default_region": [ "KA" ], "lcr_enabled": "true" } } }
The response includes all the settings for the concerned account for GreenVN, GreenPin and the Common settings.