
Last Mile Delivery Tracking Solution

Lead Assist & 2 more
  • Lead Assist
  • SMS
  • Voice
3PL & 1 more
  • 3PL
  • Last Mile Delivery
lastmile & 1 more
  • lastmile
  • sms


Number Masking or call masking is the best way for businesses to safeguard their customers’ identity, and prevent misuse of sensitive information, enabled by anonymization of customer’s phone number. This solution allows you to connect two parties without revealing either party’s phone number. The number being revealed is the one from Exotel’s inventory, which is called Virtual Number associated for a transaction between two parties.

Through Exotel, Number Masking can be achieved in multiple ways. One of the seamless and most adopted solutions is Lead Assist - GreenVN suite of APIs. Lead Assist GreenVN APIs allow you to offload the telephony and number management aspects to Exotel and let you focus on your core operations. 

About Lead Assist

Lead Assist is a patented and the most cost effective solution available for your business to connect your customers to your vendors or agents in a seamless manner.

The LeadAssist solution is conceptualized to enable enterprises to provide virtual numbers for their customers (enterprises, end-consumers, agents etc) without needing to manage the complexity of number allocation, lifecycle management, and de-allocation, while also ensuring the customer’s privacy. The major benefit the solution brings to the table is the ability to scale with a limited set of virtual numbers only.


An active Exotel account
Lead Assist enabled for your Exotel account (reach out to your account manager or hello@exotel.com)
Lead Assist onboarding checklist to be completed by Exotel account manager or support team
Lead Assist credentials to be shared with customer development team
Integration to be completed by customer development team using API Documentation

Flow Diagram

How it Works

Step 1: You pass the numbers to be connected to the Lead Assist endpoint via an allocation request. The numbers are passed as either A-party or B-party numbers which are the two distinct sides of the conversation (for example: buyers and sellers). Apart from the parties’ numbers you can also pass other desired parameters like:

- Unique connection id: which can be any alphanumeric string and helps you track the conversation
- Pins: which are passwords for registering hitherto unmapped callers into the allocation
- Deallocation Policy: which is the duration for which this mapping will be kept alive
- Virtual number type, mobile or landline, as desired for this allocation




curl -X POST \
 https://leadassist.exotel.in/v1/tenants/<your_sid>/greenvn \
 -H 'Authorization: Basic <your Auth string which is Base64 encoded version of “username:Password” string>' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
 -d '{
"aparty_numbers" : [

          "+919176226528", "+911234567891"

"bparty_numbers" : [



Step 2: In response to this request, Exotel will now return the Exophone for that particular combination which can now route the calls as per the rules defined in the request

           "success": true,
           "status": 200,

            “state”: “active”,
        "success": false,
        "status": 409,
        "code": 18,
        "message": "Allocation exists for this connection id.",
        "data": null

Step 3: You can now communicate this Exophone to your a-parties and b-parties, i.e. your delivery executive and customers for conversing between each other. 

- If you want to let in someone new into the conversation, you just need to let them know the VN and the pins for the corresponding party of the allocation where you want to map this new person. When they call in the first time into the VN, they will be prompted for the pin and hereafter they will be mapped in either the a-party or the b-party of the allocation as per the pin entered.

Step 4: Now any number of calls can happen on the allocation between the mapped parties. New parties can also get added to the allocation if they verify via pin, and then have conversations. Exotel will keep you updated of all these events via appropriate call backs to your endpoints

Step 5: Once the conversation is done the allocation can be removed, i.e deallocated as per the deallocation policy duration set by you in the allocation request. Alternatively you can also pro-actively request for the deallocation



Replace <your_sid> with your tenant ID and <greenvn_id> with the same received in the allocation request

           "success": true,
           "status": 200,

            “state”: “vault”,

Case Study

  • Urban Company Case Study - How Urban Company solved their last mile delivery of their services, safeguarding the privacy of their customers and service partners


  • Sulekha Case Study - How Sulekha used Lead Assist Dynamic Number Allocation to improve customer experience and safeguard customer privacy

Industry Application

Lead Assist GreenVN is used by many companies involved in Last Mile Delivery of their services. Primary application being marketplaces order fulfillment process and food aggregators delivering food from restaurants.

Marketplaces Scenarios:

  • CxDx - Customer & Delivery Executive
  • CxBx - Customer & Business (Sales/Support)

Food Aggregator Scenarios:

  • CxDx - Customer & Delivery Executive
  • CxRx - Customer & Restaurant
  • RxDx - Restaurant & Delivery Executive
  • CxBx - Customer & Business (Support)

Lead Assist Pricing

There are five SKUs under which costs of Lead Assist solution is charged:

  • Software Rentals: This is monthly fixed charge for availing the Exotels services
  • Allocation Charges: Each allocation will be charged at fixed/flat price, at the time of any new allocation
  • Update Allocation Charges: Each existing allocation when updated will be  charged at fixed/flat price equivalent to per allocation charge
  • Deallocation Charges: Each deallocation will be charged at the time of deallocation, based on the number of days the allocation was active
  • Call Charges: Normal call charges, charged at pulse rate (where pulse can be 30s, 60s, or any other agreed upon value)



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Last modified Date

November 29th, 2022