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If you already have a CRM to manage walk-ins, exotel’s experts team can help a way out to use Tele-Token solutions

  • Please do a hard refresh after completing the integration.
  • You may need to check if you have done the integration in the same Zoho account which you are using.
  • Tele-token can be used as another channel to book appointments
  • Exotel api can integrate with App based appointment booking system to in sync with it

Not required ,In existing account only Tele-token solution can be integrated.


{account_name} : Account Sid from here: 



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Enable “Show data labels” present in the ‘style’ section of a chart

It completely depends on your tech team efforts. We typically see our customers integrating in 2 - 4 weeks.

  • Real Time Push: Using Events Callbacks, Exotel sends data to a webhook configured. You need to pass additional parameters in the Call/SMS API request with a callback URL. 
  • Read more here: Calls | SMS
  • Pull using GET API: If you have CallSID for a particular call, the details can be fetched using GET Call API
  • Pull SMS details API:  If you have CallSID for a particular call, the details can be fetched using GET SMS API

Enabling Outbound calls requires submission and verification of company KYC documents. Check with either your account manager or by writing to hello@exotel.com